Registered Office: APLEY & STRAUBE PARTNERSCHAFT PATENTANWÄLTE, Schatzenberg 2, D-77871 Renchen, Germany

Legal form: Partnership

Partnerships register 700047, PR-No. 1

AFFILIATIONS: Dr. Enno C. Apley and Dr. Urs N. Straube are entitled to represent Apley & Straube Partnerschaft Patentanwälte. Patent attorney Dr. Enno C. Apley and patent attorney Dr. Urs N. Straube are registered in the Federal Republic of Germany. In the Europe Union, Dr. Enno C. Apley and Dr. Urs N. Straube are registered as European trademark and design attorneys before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). Besides, Dr. Urs N. Straube is enrolled as European patent attorney before the European Patent Office. Disclaimer: Apley & Straube does not assume any responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the information provided on these web pages. Any liability is hereby disclaimed.

As patent attorneys Dr. Enno C. Apley and Dr. Urs N. Straube are members of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys (Patentanwaltskammer): Patentanwaltskammer, Tal 29, D-80331 München, Germany

Dr. Enno C. Apley and Dr. Urs N. Straube work under the following professional regulatory codes:

• Federal Regulations of Patent Attorneys

• Professional Code of Conduct

• Rules of Conduct of the FICPI

Dr. Urs N. Straube is also subject to the Code of Professional Conduct of the EPI

Liability insurance: The sums insured for Dr. Enno C. Apley and Dr. Urs N. Straube are € 5 million (5, 000,000.00 EUR), respectively. “patus” is a registered German trademark.